Money Making – Telecommuting

September 4, 2013 Money Making Ideas

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If you have small children, often it is really hard to get out and get a job, because of the high cost of child care.  Telecommuting jobs allow you to work from your own home, often choosing your own schedule.  Sales agent chat positions are sometimes the easiest types of jobs to conform to your schedule and allow you to work from home.  We came across this job listing, that  might fit the bill for those of you out there needing a work at home job:


Sales Chat Agent (Work at home)

Location: Virtual Work at Home Positions (United States Only)
Job Code: 11
# of Openings: 30 (at the time of this post)


Sales Chat Agent (Work at Home)

Sales Chat Agents play a vital role, liasing between various customers and the business entities in which we represent. As a Sales Chat Agent, you would be chatting with existing and/or non-existing customers of one of the top telecommunications companies in the nation! You would consult these customers and assist them in trying to see which products are offered that would benefit them. Enjoy answering customer questions, receiving bonuses for your sales and being a part of an up and coming trend  – which is Chat!

Duties and Responsibilities:

Respond to inbound chat inquiries and effectively consult customers or prospective customers regarding features or wireless phones available.

Always provide the utmost customer service when chatting with customers/prospective customers.

Skills and Specifications:

Ability to type at least 50WPM with 0 errors.

Ability to multi-task (handling 3 chats concurrently).

Ability to resource product information via tools that are provided to you.

Ability to independently research information via the internet.

Sales experience a plus!

Chat experience a plus!

Wireless knowledge a plus!

Outstanding spelling, grammar, and communication skills a MUST!

Computer Requirements:

Must be hardwired to the internet

Upload speed must be minimum of 1.0 mbp/s

Must have Windows Operating System (MAC not compatible)

Education and Qualifications:

High school diploma from an accredited institution

General Education Degree

See the job listing here:

I do – now I don’t! Another Money Saving Idea

July 16, 2013 Money Making Ideas

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Get Cash for Jewelry

As difficult as divorce is, this site kind of seems to mock the whole process. But, their tongue-in cheek ad definitely gets the point across! All of us that have been divorced, and hopefully moved on, probably have jewelry from that time period. They say it is bad luck to hang onto past trinket, like your old wedding band, so what better way to get rid of it than to make a little extra money. Just fill out a form, list your old jewelry or gold, they will send you what you need. Within a very short period of time, they will give you a quote and cash, if you so choose.

If you have old jewelry you’d like to get rid of, this is a great way to make a little extra cash – Get a Quote Now

Paid to Read Email

April 6, 2013 Money Making Ideas

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Did you know you could get paid for reading email?  These programs used to be a dime a dozen, but they faded in popularity and most companies when out of business.  However, there are still some going strong and offering even better incentives for you to check your email. has multiple ways to make money. You won’t get rich, but you might generate enough cash to pay some extra bills every month. Right now, they are paying you $5 just to sign up. You can get paid to read your emails they send, get cash for surveys, get paid to play games and participate in contests. You will also earn referrals if you send your friends and they sign up.


Get started today earning extra cash – Click Here to sign up

Cash in on your old gadgets!

April 6, 2013 Money Making Ideas

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One of the best ways to get money is to sell stuff you already have, but don’t use any more.  Old gadgets are little pieces of gold sitting in your drawers.  But where do you go to sell them? Pawnshops will give you next to nothing. You can donate them to organizations, but then you don’t get any money. Or, you can sell them through a buyback program.  HelloTotem is one such buy back company and is willing to give you cash for your old smartphones.


Old Technology = Cash in Your Pocket is America’s most trusted buyback company for iPhones, iPads, and other smartphones.

Here are a few benefits to selling your old or unwanted device to HelloTotem:



  1. We pay more than anyone else. At the end of the day it’s all about the money. We pay the most.
  2. Easy Transaction. Just visit, get a price quote, and request a mailer. We’ll have a postage-paid return FedEx box shipped to you ASAP. Once we receive and review your device, you get paid. Simple as that.
  3. Security. Rather than using a classified site and risk meeting with some random stranger, or dealing with unknown people from far-away places often found on auction sites, you can work with a reputable company based here in the US.

 Visit TODAY to get paid top dollar for your unwanted device.



Old Fashion Ebay

March 4, 2013 Money Making Ideas

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One way to rake in some extra cash is to sell your items you no longer want or need. You COULD list each item individually on an e-site or in the classifieds. A better option may be to have prospective buyers come to you, leave you with cash and tote off your excess items.

Call it what you want—tag sale, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale—but whatever you call it, a successful sale can leave you with a pocket full of cash. Don’t be misled, however—you can’t have a successful sale just be throwing everything out in the yard or garage. Preparation is key in holding a lucrative sale. It can make the difference between cleaning up monetarily and having to clean up, and no one wants to have to lug all of that stuff back in the house!

Your first step is to check with your local municipality regarding any requirements they have for holding a sale. Some cities require a permit, others limit numbers of days you can hold a sale, many limit where you can post signage—you want to know these things first because you don’t want to violate any ordinances or laws.

Your next move is to cull the merchandise you want to sell from your home. This sounds easy enough, but it can be very time consuming, so be sure to do this well before you are ready to hold your sale. Also, make sure anything mechanical is in good working condition or is labeled otherwise—you don’t want to mislead buyers. Clean up your items—launder clothes, hose off lawn equipment, wash old dishes or whatever it is you need to do to make sure your items are going to be attractive to buyers. Clean, fresh-looking items are going to make your sale look more inviting and will bring in more cash than those that look worn and dirty.

Once you have decided what to sell, you need to choose a location. If your home is in a high traffic area with ample parking available, then you have a perfect spot. Otherwise, you may want to consider teaming up with a friend who has a more accessible spot.

Choose a date that doesn’t conflict with other community events. If your area holds city-wide or town-wide sales, you may want to try to piggyback onto that. Not only will you be available on a date when folks will be out and about in your area, ready and willing to spend, you’ll also be available to take advantage of any marketing the municipality is doing for the event.

Speaking of marketing, advertising for your sale is incredibly important. If no one knows about your sale, it doesn’t matter how wonderful your merchandise is or how beautifully it is displayed. If no one sees it, no one can buy it.

Take advantage of all opportunities to get the word out. Post notices on local grocery bulletin boards or the laundromat, put up an ad at your place of employment, post on any free local sites you have available and place an ad in the garage sale section of your local newspaper. When creating your ad, try to begin with an eye-catching headline: “Great Stuff, Even Better Prices,” “20 Years of Accumulation,” “Treasure Sale”—whatever you can think of that accurately describes what you have but will also grab attention is a great headline for your ad. Make sure you include where your sale will be (including days and times), where it will be held (including any pertinent directions or parking information) and a listing of the types of merchandise you have for sale, especially any big ticket or unusual items.

You’ll also want to make sure there are a few things you have on hand before the sale. Dealing in cash is best, so you’ll want to be able to make change. Have plenty of coins and dollar bills at the ready so you aren’t stuck selling something for less or losing a deal because you couldn’t make change. Note how much cash you started out with before the sale so you can determine your profit at the end of the day.

A few hard core garage salers will bring their own sacks or reusable bags, but it’s helpful to have plenty available before the start of your sale. Instead of recycling grocery sacks, hang onto them before your sale so you can bag your customers’ purchases.

Make sure all of your merchandise is labeled clearly. Masking tape and Sharpies are a great combination for making tags. If you have more than one person involved in your sale, using different colored Sharpies on the tags will help keep track of who benefits from each purchase.

Have a ledger available to track the purchases your customers make. Record as each sale is made. This will make divvying up the profits at the end of the day go much more smoothly.

It’s also helpful to run an extension cord to your sale area so any electronic items can be plugged in. If you have items run by batteries, it’s also nice to have batteries available to try in the items to be able to show folks that these items are in working condition.

Display your merchandise as neatly as possible. If you have access to clothing racks, use them to display nicer clothing. Fold and arrange clothing by size so it’s easier for customers to look through. Try to arrange like items together. During down times, straighten up your merchandise.

Be sure any signage you have is easily read from the street. Make letters large and neat so everyone can read them. If your municipality allows, place signs near high-traffic intersections so drivers will notice them while stopped at stop signs and stop lights. Balloons tied to your signs will also help them stand out. Don’t forget to have a large sign in front of your sale so no one misses it! Remember not to post any signs on utility polls—this can pose a danger to you or any utility worker who comes into contact with the poll and is generally not legal. Also, take down signs at the end of the day. Too many times, signage is abandoned after a sale, creating an eyesore and causing confusion.

It’s also a good idea to have at least one other person with you to run the sale. Not only is this a good safety measure, it also helps to have one person who can take care of the exchange of money while another is available to answer questions. It also makes it much easier if you need to take a restroom break!

Last but not least, be prepared to deal! People like a bargain, and they feel like they’ve gotten a real deal if they are able to talk you down from your original price. If you really want to sell your wares, don’t be so attached to them that you aren’t willing to haggle on the price.